Mbin Releases

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We are excited to announce the latest release of Mbin; v1.7.3! It's a big patch release once again. This version is focused on bug fixes and improvements rather than new features. Notable improvements in random order are:

  • Improved PHP (max_children), Nginx (improved logging using map, upstream block for Mercure and open_file_cache) and PostgreSQL documentation (adding commit_delay config option and better defaults).
  • Better RabbitMQ messenger defaults
  • Fixed security Symfony audit & update all Symfony packages
  • Fixed self-delivery looping
  • Improved delivery handler by not rolling back InvalidApPostException exceptions
  • Fixed private comments retrieval via API
  • Fixed dead instance query (by allowing lastSuccessfulDeliver to be NULL)
  • Fixed markdown toolbar editor during editing a thread
  • Improved federation page
  • New/improved npm audit and composer audit checks in GitHub Actions workflow

Comparison to previous stable version 1.7.2:

DB migrationsNew ENV varsAdmin guide changesSuggest cache clearingNew dependencies

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/MbinOrg/mbin/compare/v1.7.2...v1.7.3